Kathy Acker from
I didn’t want anyone to notice me ‘cause I was blind so I crawled under the splinters
of the bar. The music stopped. A lot of feet passed by. Some of them by accident kicked me.
One kicked me too hard.
“Do you want to fuck me, scumbag?” President Carter said to me.
“I can’t fuck.”
“You’ve got syphilis?”
“I’ve got cancer.”
“Gee.” He put his arms around me and kissed me.
I couldn’t hear any of that political music shit I just wanted to kiss
the guy again and again. The music made it so you couldn’t hear the words
and the music itself was so loud music couldn’t be heard
you weren’t hearing
this is beyond hearing
you is just vibrations so there’s no difference between self and music.
Edna St.Vincent Millay
To what purpose, April, do you return again?
Beauty is not enough.
You can no longer quiet me with the redness
Of little leaves opening stickily.
I know what I know.
The sun is hot on my neck as I observe
The spikes of the crocus.
The smell of the earth is good.
It is apparent that there is no death.
But what does that signify?
Not only under ground are the brains of men
Eaten by maggots.
Life in itself
Is nothing,
An empty cup, a flight of uncarpeted stairs.
It is not enough that yearly, down this hill,
Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.
Beauty is not enough.
You can no longer quiet me with the redness
Of little leaves opening stickily.
I know what I know.
The sun is hot on my neck as I observe
The spikes of the crocus.
The smell of the earth is good.
It is apparent that there is no death.
But what does that signify?
Not only under ground are the brains of men
Eaten by maggots.
Life in itself
Is nothing,
An empty cup, a flight of uncarpeted stairs.
It is not enough that yearly, down this hill,
Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.
Cecília Prada
O amor de Lindalva
lhe dominava
a alma
- alva.
O professor ia pelos oitenta e lá vai alguma pedrada. Seco e arcado, magro, de olho cinza esmaecido e uma tossinha renitente. Vinha devagar, penando, ladeira acima – mansa ladeira, a da Academia de Letras, para não desanimar os de provecta idade vindos para o chá com bolo e alguns discursos soniferantes. Distração parca, ritual, de quem tem teimas interioranas na tarde e na velhice, ambas calmas. Vivia – sim, como vivia, afinal o homem? Sozinho, em uma pensão. Diziam. Mas como depois se verificou, não era bem assim : sozinho, sim, mas em apartamento próprio, dois quartos e sala, e até área de serviço com inúteis dependências de empregada. Comia em restaurantes de quilo, mas só nos do centro, mais baratos, na montoeira da Rua do Comércio.
Pobre do professor – que nunca se casou, que só teve um emprego, o de professor de Geografia em uma escola particular da parte abastada da cidade, houve tempos em que até morava no colégio, em um quarto dos fundos, feito caseiro, parecia. Excêntrico, talvez. Pobre, com certeza. De camisa tinha pelo que parecia duas, uma de listinhas rosa, outra branca para solenidades. Engravatado, sempre. Até de paletó, o mais das vezes.
Na hora do chá – que na Academia interiorana era com vantagem substituído por café de garrafa térmica, refrigerantes de garrafa tamanho família, sanduíches de patê de presunto e bolo de chocolate, o professor se fartava. Com a cumplicidade educada dos colegas, que fingiam não ver o tamanho, a quantidade das fatias de bolo que engolia concentrado, em um canto. Coitado, deixa ele comer, o professor, não quer mais um pedaço, um sanduichinho, eu embrulho e o senhor leva – dizia, baixinho Dona Noêmia, a mulher do Dr. Olavo, presidente da Academia, boa senhora cuja participação no literário sodalício garantia o bem-estar estomacal dos sócios.
De outros aspectos também solícita, Dona Noêmia um dia sussurrou no ouvido do marido: “Sei não, qualquer dia o professor...está tão acabadinho...” . Profetizou. Três dias mais tarde o porteiro do prédio onde ele morava telefonou – o professor fora encontrado morto, sentado no sofá diante da televisão. Ninguém conhecia pessoas de sua família, alguém lembrara da Academia, será que ...
Solidarizaram-se os sócios do sodalício.
Se desdobraram em indagação, entre a gente bem antiga da cidade, nos cartórios, no arquivo da matriz, no jornal. Nada – não se conseguiu localizar pessoa alguma. A não ser, bem, um fantasma. Sim, lembrou outro antigo professor, havia aquela história, como era mesmo? ...Consultou dona Hortência, pianista quase nonagenária de dedos agora enferrujados, depois a Neuma, outra ex-moça, outros ilustres ex-moços, até um antigo pároco que ruminava ainda latim e balas de alfenim. E aos poucos, no de-leve da lembrança, alguém disse um nome: Lindalva. Ainda existiria, a Lindalva? A amada, aquela enfim, que...
Como um retardado clarão a cidade – quer dizer aquele restrito punhadinho de gente daquele tempo, que ainda vivia – começou a perguntar que fim tinha levado a Lindalva, gente! Não falavam até que estavam de casamento marcado, e ela desmanchou, ou morreu, sabe-se lá, e então ele, desiludido...
- Foi sim, coitado. Ele até chegou a comprar uma casinha para eles, mobiliou toda, fez enxoval, comprou tudo , panelas, louça, tudinho, e depois... -- disse um dia a pianista Hortência de dedos enferrujados – em um momento de memória boa.
E aí, o diz-que-disse se espalhou que nem rastilho de pólvora, ruminaram lembranças, informações. Até que um velho farmacêutico, seu Onofre – que na mocidade fizera poemas às moças e agora desfrutava glória literária na Academia, confirmou: “Pois é, a casa ainda existe, ali no Beco do Beijo, gente.Fechadona. Diz que assombrada....”
(Aos poucos um toque de poesia, essa sim assombrada, ia ao que parece tomando conta da cidade – Beco do Beijo era o nome antigo da atual Travessa Comandante Aragão, em honra de falecido chefe da Polícia. No escuro breu do Beco escusos casais de tempos mais repressivos...)
Enquanto o corpo não reclamado permanecia na geladeira do velório municipal, os confrades acadêmicos – subitamente redivivos como bando de meninos curiosos – rumavam ao Beco, descobriam a casinha fechada sob arvoredo meio denso, mas limpinha, arrumada... Surgiu uma vizinha com a chave, o professor vinha uma vez por mês, sempre, pagava pela limpeza. Abriu a porta que rangeu um pouco, reumática, expondo o tesouro do amor por Lindalva: a casa impecavelmente arrumada, mobiliada, museu da década de 50 com móveis pé-de-palito, uma rádio-vitrola, uma geladeira importada Westinghouse, aspirador, liquidificador, e no armário profusão de lençóis virginalmente dobrados, uma colcha de fustão, uma camisola cor-de-rosa provida de laçarote branco em uma caixa da Casa Anglo-Brasileira, de São Paulo, em cima da penteadeira frascos fechados de perfumes, Cabochard, Je Reviens, Chanel no.5. Um par de óculos ray-ban, ainda na caixa.
- Faz tempo que...
- Ah, faz muito tempo sim senhor -- respondeu a faxineira. -- Minha mãe já trabalhava para limpar a casa para o Professor. A outra também.
Que outra? O apartamento?, perguntaram.
- Não senhor. A outra que é igual a esta, toda mobiliada, nem ninguém nunca morou também, não senhor. Que fica lá do outro lado, depois da estação, sabe?
O espanto caiu sobre os acadêmicos varando toneladas de tédio acumuladas. Anzol de rejuvenescimento - fofocas variadas se estabeleceram.
De repente, todo mundo lembrou pedaços de histórias sobre o professor e seus hábitos. Foram ver a casa de perto da estação. E depois, descoberta ao acaso, outra, em uma ruela atrás da igreja da Boa Morte. E outra...
Pasma, a cidade – que ignorara o professor, sua vida, seu sonho – acabou por descobrir exatamente seis casinhas que pareciam de boneca, espalhadas pela cidade.Todinhas mobiliadas até os mínimos detalhes, roupas de cama e mesa, talheres, saca-rolha, paliteiro, radinho de pilha, tapetinho do banheiro, touca para o vaso sanitário... a Lindalva imaginária residira inteira, incorporada à figura magérrima, de tão distinta sobriedade, do caro professor.
Quem ficou muito feliz – dizem – foi um sobrinho distante e herdeiro, enfim surgido depois das convocações feitas em vários jornais do interior. E em cuja presença enfim se retirou da sinistra geladeira o corpo do tio, finalmente despachado para o país dos sonhos eternos com dois discursos rápidos de membros da Academia – era dia de chuva e muito frio.
E mais não se falou, do caso e do professor.
5 poemas de Veronica Forrest-Thomson
A gesture is adjective,
two hands, granite
when they turn bread to flesh
(Notre Dame, July 14th)
A mirror is a museum-case,
two hands, priestesses'
when she mummifies her face.
Emotion is a parenthesis,
two hands, irony
when I light the candle
and cross myself.
Aesthetic approbation is glass
when it encloses her faience eyes
and gilded skin.
(Musée du Louvre, July 18th)
Glance is the copula
that petrifies our several identities,
syntactic superficies.
two hands, granite
when they turn bread to flesh
(Notre Dame, July 14th)
A mirror is a museum-case,
two hands, priestesses'
when she mummifies her face.
Emotion is a parenthesis,
two hands, irony
when I light the candle
and cross myself.
Aesthetic approbation is glass
when it encloses her faience eyes
and gilded skin.
(Musée du Louvre, July 18th)
Glance is the copula
that petrifies our several identities,
syntactic superficies.
My cardboard daisies are in bloom
The city's silhouette stands out
just like real, from a child's
pop-up book, "a castle cut in
paper" (Gawain & the Grene Knight
c.1400). Autumn leaves turn like
pages, black on white. For green
and gold must be as parenthetical
as walks through sharpening air
and clamant colour, smoky light
along the Backs, from typewriter
to Library. "Grammar" derives from
"glamour"; ecology may show the two
still cognate: Museum, Gk. mouseion,
a seat of the Muses, a building
dedicated to the pursuit of learning
or the arts. (OED)
The glamorous grammatical frames
captions for a monograph on non-
existent plates. Glue, paper,
scissors, and the library together
paste a mock-up of an individual
history. The art of English Poesie?
"Such synne is called yronye."
My cardboard daisies are in bloom
The city's silhouette stands out
just like real, from a child's
pop-up book, "a castle cut in
paper" (Gawain & the Grene Knight
c.1400). Autumn leaves turn like
pages, black on white. For green
and gold must be as parenthetical
as walks through sharpening air
and clamant colour, smoky light
along the Backs, from typewriter
to Library. "Grammar" derives from
"glamour"; ecology may show the two
still cognate: Museum, Gk. mouseion,
a seat of the Muses, a building
dedicated to the pursuit of learning
or the arts. (OED)
The glamorous grammatical frames
captions for a monograph on non-
existent plates. Glue, paper,
scissors, and the library together
paste a mock-up of an individual
history. The art of English Poesie?
"Such synne is called yronye."
Approaching the library
You never would have believed it could be so easy;
it played into one’s hands, the unpremeditated paysage,
as Stevens said, crossing the fen, suddenly confronted
with such expanse of unpretentious waters as visit
our dreams. Elle resta, comme le dit Flaubert,
melancholique devant son rêve accompli.
Poetic diction performed for me two outstanding services:
in confirming that the subject I proposed treating
was a worthy one; and in feeding and clothing me
after I had, in a moment of abstraction, fallen
into Holme Fen Engine Ditch;
It partakes of the clay’s history of human blood
and strife, like Devil’s Dyke, our excursion to which
is hereby premeditated. Thus we are rescued from
the abstract ditch we dig with our fundamental
disagreement about the proper form for a picnic.
It is disturbing to find oneself on a level
with the river, smooth-flowing with pronouns
where we grub, like ducks, for whatever they eat,
in unexpected pools. A drastic diminution
of pronouns in the early weeks of marriage
(lack of third persons, not to mention more banal examples)
leads to this retracted meadow in which comparisons
must be deployed, the meadow she crosses now,
noting its blossoming synecdoches, on her way
to the library, carrying her Heffers Cantab Students
Notebook, ref. 140, punched for filing.
it played into one’s hands, the unpremeditated paysage,
as Stevens said, crossing the fen, suddenly confronted
with such expanse of unpretentious waters as visit
our dreams. Elle resta, comme le dit Flaubert,
melancholique devant son rêve accompli.
Poetic diction performed for me two outstanding services:
in confirming that the subject I proposed treating
was a worthy one; and in feeding and clothing me
after I had, in a moment of abstraction, fallen
into Holme Fen Engine Ditch;
It partakes of the clay’s history of human blood
and strife, like Devil’s Dyke, our excursion to which
is hereby premeditated. Thus we are rescued from
the abstract ditch we dig with our fundamental
disagreement about the proper form for a picnic.
It is disturbing to find oneself on a level
with the river, smooth-flowing with pronouns
where we grub, like ducks, for whatever they eat,
in unexpected pools. A drastic diminution
of pronouns in the early weeks of marriage
(lack of third persons, not to mention more banal examples)
leads to this retracted meadow in which comparisons
must be deployed, the meadow she crosses now,
noting its blossoming synecdoches, on her way
to the library, carrying her Heffers Cantab Students
Notebook, ref. 140, punched for filing.
Words are a monstrous excrescence.
Everything green is extended. It
is apricot, orange, lemon, olive and cherry,
and other snakes in the linguistic grass;
also a white touch of marble which evokes
no ghosts, the taste of squid, the...
Go away. I shall call a policeman.
Acrocorinth which evokes no
goats under the lemon blossom.
World is a monstrous excrescence;
he is following me everywhere, one
Nescafé and twenty Athenes, everything
green; I am not responsible for it.
I don’t want to speak to you.
Leave me alone. I shall stay here.
I refuse a green extension. Beware.
I have paid you. I have paid you
enough, sea, sun, and octopodi.
It is raining cats and allomorphs.
"Where" is the British Embassy.
Words are a monstrous excrescence.
Everything green is extended. It
is apricot, orange, lemon, olive and cherry,
and other snakes in the linguistic grass;
also a white touch of marble which evokes
no ghosts, the taste of squid, the...
Go away. I shall call a policeman.
Acrocorinth which evokes no
goats under the lemon blossom.
World is a monstrous excrescence;
he is following me everywhere, one
Nescafé and twenty Athenes, everything
green; I am not responsible for it.
I don’t want to speak to you.
Leave me alone. I shall stay here.
I refuse a green extension. Beware.
I have paid you. I have paid you
enough, sea, sun, and octopodi.
It is raining cats and allomorphs.
"Where" is the British Embassy.
Address to the Reader, from Pevensey Sluice
If it were quicksand you could sink;
something needing a light touch
soon and so simply takes its revenge.
Slightly west of Goodwin Sands
the land hardens again with history,
resists the symbol.
Chalk requires an allegorical hand,
or employee of Sussex Water Board
who sets a notice here:
and all at once Transformational Grammar
“peoples” the “emotional landscape”
with refutation.
You may hear its melancholy
long withdrawing roar
even on Dover beach watching
the undertow of all those trips
across to France.
Follow the reader and his writer,
those emblematic persons
along their mythic route
charting its uncertain curves and camber;
for to be true to any other you must —
and I shall never now — recover
a popular manoeuvre known mostly as,
turn over
and go to sleep.
something needing a light touch
soon and so simply takes its revenge.
Slightly west of Goodwin Sands
the land hardens again with history,
resists the symbol.
Chalk requires an allegorical hand,
or employee of Sussex Water Board
who sets a notice here:
and all at once Transformational Grammar
“peoples” the “emotional landscape”
with refutation.
You may hear its melancholy
long withdrawing roar
even on Dover beach watching
the undertow of all those trips
across to France.
Follow the reader and his writer,
those emblematic persons
along their mythic route
charting its uncertain curves and camber;
for to be true to any other you must —
and I shall never now — recover
a popular manoeuvre known mostly as,
turn over
and go to sleep.
Le Signe (Cygne)
Godard, the anthropological swan
floats on the Cam when day is done.
Levi-Strauss stands on a bridge and calls:
Birds love freedom; they build themselves homes;
They often engage in human relations.
Come Godard, come, here, Godard, here. The halls
of Clare and Trinity, John’s and Queens’
echo the sound with scraping of chairs
and cramming of maws. A red-gowned don
floats by the swan. We must try to explain
to the posturing dancers that this is an image
of human existence; this is the barre-work
of verbal behaviour; this knife in the corpse
that they shove through a window to float
down the Cam when day is done
is Godard, the anthropological swan.
floats on the Cam when day is done.
Levi-Strauss stands on a bridge and calls:
Birds love freedom; they build themselves homes;
They often engage in human relations.
Come Godard, come, here, Godard, here. The halls
of Clare and Trinity, John’s and Queens’
echo the sound with scraping of chairs
and cramming of maws. A red-gowned don
floats by the swan. We must try to explain
to the posturing dancers that this is an image
of human existence; this is the barre-work
of verbal behaviour; this knife in the corpse
that they shove through a window to float
down the Cam when day is done
is Godard, the anthropological swan.
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